Telephone on Hold
We provide "On Hold" services to some of the largest businesses in the Tri-State Area and throughout the country. Instead of dead silence or radio music, this is your opportunity to tell customers of the products and services that you provide. You may want to include special promotions, hours of business, product information or messages that reflect the image of your company.
Our specialty is banking and hotel productions. You can listen below to some samples.
MP3 audio file [1.2 MB]
MP3 audio file [972.5 KB]
MP3 audio file [1.1 MB]
Recording Your On Hold Production
Send us your information and we can help you script your message. On hold works best when you create short informational paragraphs that inform the listener of your products or services. Music is played behind these messages with the occasional "Thank you for holding...or...We'll be with you in a moment."
Our production is top quality. High profile customers around the country use our on hold services. We are highly effective in retaining customers on the phone until one of your representatives return to the line. This is a great marketing tool to increase business!